In my quest to come up with a gender ambiguous name that also gave some implication to what the boutique would be, I decided I liked 'Attic'. Attics' are full of fun treasures and I would never pass up a chance to search through one.
The first house I grew up in actually had three attics and I thought that made me the coolest kid pretty much. It was an old farmhouse and there was a small door into a crawlspace/play area off of my upstairs bedroom; from there you hopped down into a dark attic that just had a thin area of space to walk, and lastly you would hop down into the large attic which connected to our downstairs kitchen by a set of stairs.
However, apparently I was not the first person with a vintage/consignment store to decide they liked 'Attic' as well. I decided to try pairing some words with Attic when I realized I had a fit. It was the first spring spent in our first house, and a pair of (black)birds (starlings) decided our home was theirs as well. Blackbird Attic.

That's very clever ;)
I always wanted to live in a big house with secret passageways and places to hide!
Yeah I still do as well, haha. I have seriously thought numerous times about adding a slide from our attic (which is connected by a small random door high on our bedroom wall) to the downstairs somehow
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