We're working on holiday windows for the shop. For the fall we made a flat tree with quilted style fabric. We added in some tree stumps, fake moss rocks, and painted tree silhouettes on the window. In the other window we decided to make it a living room with painted windows, looking "into" the outdoor window. For the winter we figured it would be easiest just to add to the window, plus my boyfriend spent a long time making that tree!, hah, so we kept that up and added in some rather expensive cotton, ahem, snow, and other embellishments. We made a trip to Michaels craft store last night and we bought a few more things to add to it including fake snow spray! I had some when I was little and I was pretty in awe with the stuff. Oh, we also hung some ornaments from the tree and to add some color to the snow area, we are wrapping presents with bright colored ribbons. Hoping it all comes together! Still trying to figure out what we want to do with lights..
Here are some in progress shots.. will post soon about what we're doing with the other window!

Putting down crumpled butcher paper for dimension and the snow!

Coming together.

Adding some touches.. fallen ornaments, twigs, etc.

Pretty much done, but still not there..
I can't take pictures of everything new I get in, but I thought it might be a good idea to post a list..
so here are some new items in the shop!
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